
妇女进步倡议, (原WELFund), is a distinctive program at the 立博体育官网 that uniquely positions women for success through education and leadership programs, 研究和奖学金机会, 以及职业关系和经验.

Built on the heritage of 哈特福德女子学院, 妇女进步倡议 challenges, 鼓励, 并赋予学生权力, 教师, 工作人员, 和女校友. 妇女进步倡议 is supported and sustained by a community of women and men who believe that advancing the potential of women is a personal and a collective priority.

Celebrating the Life of Louise Loomis, Ed.D.


路易丝·厄尔·卢米斯 dedicated educator and leader in critical thinking, 4月22日去世, 2023, 享年94岁. Lou had an appointment as an assistant professor at 哈特福德女子学院, and held adjunct positions at Fairfield University, 古德温大学, 以及立博体育官网. 在她的职业生涯中, she maintained a forward-thinking approach to life, and a dedication to making a difference for all.

Ninety Years of Educating Women in Hartford

哈特福德女子学院 90th Anniversary Image

哈特福德女子学院 began as Mount Holyoke in Hartford, a “noble experiment” in 1933. It came at a time when women had limited access to opportunities in higher education. 多年来, there have been notable celebrations to honor 哈特福德女子学院, some based on its founding in 1933 and other based on its inception as an independent college in 1939. The College’s past and each celebration connects women across decades. The 哈特福德女子学院 legacy is rich with stories. 

In 2023, we commemorated “90 Years of Educating Women in Hartford” with a special anniversary event on September 9, 2023 and the publication of a commemorative book. The book celebrates the biographical timeline of events and people that shaped the HCW legacy. 请 电子邮件我们 if you are interested in ordering the 哈特福德女子学院 90th Anniversary commemorative book.

15 Years of Education, Opportunity, and Impact

The 女性的进步 Initiative's 15th Anniversary Celebration Video

The 女性的进步 Initiative is proud to continue the legacy of 哈特福德女子学院.

In the year 2021, 妇女进步倡议 celebrated its 15th anniversary. In 2006, it was established to benefit women and celebrate the legacy of 哈特福德女子学院. 今天, our organization offers leadership training, personal and professional development workshops, and resilience and opportunity coaching for women students, 教师, 和工作人员. 我们招牌程序的设计, LEAD (Leadership Education and Development), was inspired by the way students at 哈特福德女子学院 were supported and challenged.

我们自豪地继续提供教育, 创造机会, and impact the lives of women served through our programs. 



Are you interested in reading about our heritage, success stories, and programming? 阅读我们的年度 W 杂志.

妇女进步倡议’s Annual Symposium and Reception

2024年3月28日,星期四,下午5:30 - 7:00.m. 

哈利杰克格雷中心| 1877俱乐部 

You’re invited to an evening of celebration, creativity, and community building. Experience 妇女进步倡议 through the eyes of students, 教师, 以及从我们的项目中受益的员工. Explore innovative research and creative projects from Dorothy Goodwin Scholars, 与劳拉·约翰逊会面, celebrate this year’s recipients of the Irene Robinson Marshall and Dr. Dan Marshall Scholarship and Debbie Javit ’83 (HCW) “Javy” Resilience Awards, and learn from live leadership lessons presented by today’s LEAD students.


Support The 女性的进步 Initiative


Your gifts to The 女性的进步 Initiative help us to:

  • Build on the values instilled at 哈特福德女子学院
  • Provide students with opportunities for leadership training, 个人发展, 职业关系和指导
  • 用乐趣将课程带入生活, 快节奏的, interactive activities that promote teamwork, 解决问题和清晰的沟通
  • Support scholarly and innovative research projects by students with 教师 mentors
  • 送学生参加全国性的会议
  • Inspire the next generation of women to be leaders